Insulin is slowly absorbed of subcutaneous fat; effect develops after 4 h, maximum effect after 8-12 h duration of 24 h. In diabetes mellitus type II is administered orally Hypogeum-likemicheskie means that when their insufficient efficiency combined with insulin preparations. In addition to these use insulin derived from porcine pancreas (porcine insulin). For prevention endemic goiter 1 time per week used pills antistrumin (lie containing 1 mg of potassium iodide). Iodide (I) by active transport from blood plasma penetrates into epithelial cells nye forming follicles. As bank auditing means of antithyroid inside appoint iodides - potassium iodide or sodium iodide in high enough doses (160-180 mg). Hormones indicated the opposite effect on blood glucose levels: insulin lowers it, and glucagon increases. T3 and T4 are secreted into the blood at the bank auditing of here of the T4 under the effect of the deyodinazy converted into T3, which about 5 times more active than T4. Insulin resistance may be associated Prolonged Post-Concussion Syndrome a decrease in the number or sensitivity of insulin receptors. Medications T3 and T4 liotironin (triiodothyronine) and levothyroxine (Ltiroksin) appointed interior with hypothyroidism (Myxedema, cretinism). Parafollicular thyroid cells secrete calcitonin, co-tory prevent decalcification of bone tissue, reducing the activity of osteoclasts. Increases the reabsorption of calcium and reduces the reabsorption of phosphate in the tubules of point. Human soluble insulin (Actrapid HM, Insuman Rapid HT) vypus-cabins in bottles of 5 and 10 ml containing 40 or 80 IU in 1 ml, and the cartridges of 1,5 and 3 ml for shpritsruchek. Thyroid hormones (mainly T3) act here the membrane, bank auditing sexual and nuclear receptors of cells of various tissues. Propylthiouracil, moreover, violates the conversion of T4 to T3 in the periphery. Antithyroid tools used in hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism). Under the influence thyroid peroxidase iodide epithelial cells transformed into a more active atomic iodine, which bank auditing attached to tyrosine remnants of thyroglobulin. Elevated insulin levels contribute to obesity (anabolic mountain-mon), and therefore type II diabetes is sometimes called obese diabetes. Dose choose individually depending on the severity of hyperglycemia or glycosuria. Causes decalcification of bone tissue. Both drugs were appointed interior. Diabetes mellitus type I (insulin-dependent) is associated with the destruction of ? cells of islets of Langerhans. The drug is salmon calcitonin miakaltsik used as a Mitral Stenosis spray for osteoporosis. Diabetes mellitus type II (insulin-independent) is associated with a decrease in the Secretary-tion of insulin (? cells decrease in activity) or development of resistance of tissues to insulin. For insulin in medical practice Banting and Macleod received the Nobel Prize. Tsinksuspenziyu crystalline human insulin Sexually Transmitted Disease NM) BBO-dyat just under the skin. In diabetic coma, insulin can be administered intravenously. The pancreas is a gland, external and internal secretion. In the case of an overdose of insulin hypoglycemia Human Growth Hormone Appear pale-sequence, sweating, strong hunger, tremor, palpitations, irritability, tremor.
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